Dissertações e teses, English Pesticide exposure, self-reported health conditions, and public health surveillance of municipalities in Mato Grosso, Brazil Pesticide-exposure-self-reported-health-conditions-and-public-health-surveillance-of-municipalities-in-Mato-GrossoBaixar...
Dissertações e teses, English Indigenous territories and socio-environmental determination of health: discussing pesticide exposure Indigenous-territories-and-socio-environmental-determination-of-health-discussing-pesticide-exposureBaixar...
English, Relatórios técnicos Impacts of cotton monoculture on health and the environment in Mato Grosso Neast/ISC/UFMT, OPAN. 2022 Through a partnership between the Center for Environmental Studies and Occupational Health (NEAST) of the... Programa: Programa Direitos Indígenas
English, Publicações da OPAN Ancient landscapes of the Juruena Juliana de Almeida, OPAN. 2019 O Juruena é um rio de águas cristalinas e ligeiras, que correm rumo ao norte, onde ajudam a formar o Tapajós. O Juruena irriga as matas da região noroeste de Mato Grosso, em uma das áreas planas agricultáveis mais extensas do planeta. Programa: Programa Direitos Indígenas, Programa Mato Grosso
English, Institucional Institutional Report 2020 . 2020 Remote work, which until then was applied to rare labor relations, generally in the branch of the state bureaucracy, became an imposition, a reality. But the question that we will try to answer and register in this report is: how does an indigenist institution continue to act in a remote work context?
English, Relatórios técnicos Technical report about the vulnerability of the Xavante people to the Covid-19 pandemic OPAN. 2020 This technical report analyzes the situation of Xavante society in the face of the current...
English, Publicações da OPAN Ancient Landscapes of the Juruena Juliana de Almeida. 2019 The Ancient Landscapes of the Juruena tells the story of this river that is the... Programa: Programa Direitos Indígenas, Programa Mato Grosso Projeto: Projeto Irehi